From the Department Head

As Doğuş University Computer Engineering Department, our aim is to educate our students on current information and technologies in computer and information systems subjects and applications, to equip them with analytical, mathematical, decision-making, communication and management skills required by this field. Moreover, we aim to train engineers who are able to know how to access information and to adopt lifelong learning, to update themselves, produce and apply new ideas, feel responsible to society and humanity, ready to compete in professional business life, adopt oneself.  

In parallel with the latest developments in computer science and technology, which is a very active and rapidly developing field, it is one of the main objectives of our department to continuously renew its undergraduate, graduate programs and research studies. By the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, Internet Services and Data Analysis gain more importance. In parallel with these developments, we contribute to research and development activities on machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining research areas.

The Computer Engineering program is accredited by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Education Programs (MÜDEK). The curriculum composed of both hardware, software, and computer engineering related engineering courses in addition to fundamental engineering courses. By this way, the students who study in our department gain competence not only on software but also on hardware. They prepare themselves for real life through their internships and graduation projects.  With double major and minor programs, they get the opportunity of being a student of a different department they are interested in. With Erasmus agreements, they get the chance to live and educate abroad and improve themselves.

In the field of computer and information technology, there have been incredible developments in recent years in many fields and sectors. Therefore, the need for engineers in computer and information systems is increasing and our graduates can easily find jobs.

We would like to congratulate our new students in the Department of Computer Engineering.
