From the Department Head

Welcome to Doğuş University Civil Engineering Department…

Civil Engineering Department, which is one of the newest departments of Doğuş University, established in 1997, has become operational as of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Civil Engineering has played an important role in meeting the vital needs throughout human history. As the level of development of civilizations increased, Civil Engineering was shaped as a branch of science that developed and changed in response to the needs of society.

A civil engineer, buildings, housing, workplace, sports hall, stadium, conference hall salon, all kinds of transportation structures (road, railway, bridge, airport), water and sea structures (dams, dams, port, channel, water distribution network, sewage treatment structures), ground structure (foundation, retaining wall, tunnel) safety, economy and aesthetic factors, taking into account the project and the person who realized the project. A civil engineer collaborates with engineers, architects and social scientists in other engineering disciplines.

Our goal is to train engineers who are aware of their responsibilities, who are environmentally conscious, who have achieved leadership, entrepreneurship and effective teamwork ability, and who do their job within the framework of professional and ethical rules.

As the Civil Engineering Department, I would like to welcome you and wish you all healthy, successful and beautiful moments.

Prof. Emel İRTEM

Department Head