
Chemical foundations, atoms, molecules and ions, modern atomic theory, chemical compounds and their nomenclature, stoichiometry of chemical reactions, chemical calculations, reactions in solutions, precipitation, acid-base neutralization and oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, gases, thermochemistry, periodic table and its properties, properties of solutions, chemical reaction kinetics and principles of chemical equilibrium. Laboratory experiments accompany the lectures.

History of nanoscience and nanotechnology, highlights of major accomplishments, chemistry of nanotechnology (fuel cells, encapsulation, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, self-assembly, surface chemistry), current research tools and techniques (microscopy, simulation, crystallography, interferometry, chemical synthesis, plasma treatments, lithography), manufacturing processes (self-assembly, lithography, etc.), recent progress in microscopy, software, materials, electronics, energy and life sciences, approach to nanotechnology around the world (governments, universities, commercial enterprises) current commercial activity (nanoscale devices, life sciences, etc.), future. Laboratory experiments for underlying concepts accompany lectures.